About Me

(Last Updated 6/22)


I’m Raj Singh – I’ve been building products for the past 20 years. I started my first company while in college (Terazima) and have never looked back. I like to work on things that solve personal pain-points and as a result, I’ve been fortunate to have worked in a variety of passion areas including mobile, dating, food, music, calendar and more. My last company, Tempo AI (acquired by Salesforce), was a smart calendar that was inspired by pain-points I experienced as a Founder with lots of meetings. Currently, I’m Co-Founder and CEO of Pulse. We enable automatic status for Slack, especially helpful for distribted teams.

I’ve touched a wide-variety of projects, companies, teams and more over the past 20 years, simply too much to list here. I have angel-invested in a variety of companies, see my AngelList and am an LP several funds including ENIAC, 8-Bit, Firsthand and Parade. I’m a long-time (but infrequent) blogger having started as a writer for O’reilly, later Venturebeat and more recently at my LinkedIn and at other sites which I cross-post here (when I remember to). I weirdly enjoy moderating, some of my talks are on  YouTube, Slideshare and at the now defunct Lanyrd(?).

I’m knee-deep in AI and productivity. I’m at least 15 books behind but my last read was Hooked, great book if you want to dig into product behavior. My current read is Gap Selling, will share more when I finish.

I grew up and live in sunny CA – I’m spending my free time taking care of my two kids, making time to hit the MMA gym and exploring great hikes!

To contact me, please email raj at rajansingh dot com or Twitter @mobileraj